Friday, March 7, 2008

All In A Day's Work

Part of the fascination of making jewelry is that there isn't a time that I don't want to create something new. I wake up in the middle of the night and fuss with colors and shapes in my head working on designs that will come to fruition the following day. This must be the luckiest time of my life that I can spend the majority of my day working on creating something special for someone who sees the beauty in my pieces. Did I have to live a major portion of life and go through particular experiences in order to understand that I have the ability to design unique jewelry? Was the beginning some kind of sentence...a good one of course, but still time spent on things that maybe weren't as meaningful as what I'm doing now. Or maybe it was a building block of learning experiences that brought me to present day. Whatever the past was I'm now in the present and enjoying every moment I spend on making special pieces using different mediums. I've already grown so far and continue to explore and learn based on the materials used and creative juices that flow.

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