Sunday, April 20, 2008

SFEtsy Team Gathering

Yesterday some members of the SFEtsy team met at Miranda's (HairPetals) lovely home. There were seven all together, and the other members who attended were Terri (heronmoon), Larissa (Larissa07), Chelsea (BirdNerd), Jen (bfbeads) and Maile (Fossa). Unfortunately Maile had to leave early, but at least I had the chance to meet her in person. It was really nice finally putting faces to these names and having the ability to spend time chatting about team topics and life. Terri gets an award for traveling the farthest, because it took her about 3 hours one way to get to Miranda's home. Each of us brought samples of our goods and we were able to see first hand what talent there is in the group. Even though there are great pictures on each person's Etsy site, having the ability to examine things up close and to feel and see the different colors and textures was a treat. I was impressed with the creativity and level of craftmanship, and am honored to be a part of the team. Special thanks to Miranda for opening her house and making me feel right at home.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Team spirit!

There are many benefits to being a member of a team, and I have recently joined the Etsy Wedding Team. This team is comprised of a number of talented Etsy artists - to check them out just follow the link on the right hand navigation. What better way to customize your special day than to add handmade items that meet your every need from stationery to accessories and attire. In addition Etsy offers tips in their Handmade Wedding Series, so if you're looking for information or advice that's the place to go.