Sunday, January 13, 2008

Treasury Countdown

The Etsy Treasury is sort of like an online auction except that you are waiting for each of the individual treasuries to expire so that you might be the lucky one to post a new group of Etsy items. Typically they have some sort of theme covering a number of topics or causes. I was lucky enough to get two in the recent past: the first one included my fellow SFEtsy street team members and the second one had a cowboy theme. As of this moment I have 4 hours and 10 minutes to wait until another group of treasuries open for grabs. My theme for this one is "I believe in PINK". UPDATE: The fight against breast cancer is something that always lies in the back of my mind and as of now is a daily topic because I'm a recent survivor. I'll have to create another post soon covering this lengthy topic that could go in many directions...back to the Treasury. There are many cool themes and I can spend lots of time surfing the numerous topics and items. Sone of the benefits I've found about spending time in the Treasury is that you can gain visibility by posting messages to the curator, and also heart sellers and items so if you aren't ready to shop at that particular point you have the items saved to your favorites. Have fun and enjoy the creative themes.

1 comment: said...

Linda, it was great to see my earrings on the Treasury. The Treasury is something I hadn't really looked at - but what a great way to give others more (or some) exposure. Now I guess you will have one more seller (me) competing for a Treasury :-)
